Volca Bass
Available solder points
VCO out = combined audio level output not affected by volume, filter or EG. Which probably means "output after VCO".
VCA out = combined audio level output not affected by volume or EG. Which probably means "output after VCA".
VCF out = combined audio level output not affected by volume or EG. Which probably means "output after VCF".
SAW/SQR 1/2/3 = Raw waveform for each oscillator (1,2,3). All at the same time! ;)
The controller numbers sent by the knobs are shown in the table below the PDF.

KORG volca bass MIDI Implementation Revision 0.01 (2013.06.23)
Notes and controllers, clock. The controller numbers in bold below are the ones sent by the knobs. The cutoff and resonance controls are manual only(!)
2-1 CHANNEL MESSAGES [H]:Hex, [D]:Decimal
| Status | Second | Third | Description |
| [Hex] | [H] [D] | [H] [D] | |
| 8n | kk (kk) | vv (vv) | Note Off vv=0~127 *1|
| 9n | kk (kk) | 00 (00) | Note Off *1|
| 9n | kk (kk) | vv (vv) | Note On vv=1~127 *1|
| Bn | 05 (05) | vv (vv) | SLIDE TIME *1|
| Bn | 0B (11) | vv (vv) | EXPRESSION *1|
| Bn | 28 (40) | vv (vv) | OCTAVE *1*2|
| Bn | 29 (41) | vv (vv) | LFO RATE *1|
| Bn | 2A (42) | vv (vv) | LFO INT *1|
| Bn | 2B (43) | vv (vv) | VCO PITCH 1 *1|
| Bn | 2C (44) | vv (vv) | VCO PITCH 2 *1|
| Bn | 2D (45) | vv (vv) | VCO PITCH 3 *1|
| Bn | 2E (46) | vv (vv) | EG ATTACK *1|
| Bn | 2F (47) | vv (vv) | EG DECAY/RELEASE *1|
| Bn | 30 (48) | vv (vv) | CUTOFF EG INT *1|
| Bn | 31 (49) | vv (vv) | GATE TIME *1|
| En | bb (bb) | bb (bb) | Pitch Bender Change |
n : MIDI Channel = 0 ~ F
vv : Value
*1 : This message is recognized when the "MIDI RX Short Message" is set to "On".
[H] [D] [H] [D]
00 (00) ~ 15 (21) : oct 1
16 (22) ~ 2B (43) : oct 2
2C (44) ~ 41 (65) : oct 3
42 (66) ~ 57 (87) : oct 4
58 (88) ~ 6D (109) : oct 5
6E (110)~ 7F (127) : oct 6
| Status[H] | Second[B] | Third[B] | Description |
| F2 | 0xxx xxxx | 0xxx pppp | Song Position Pointer |
pppp : 0~15 = STEP 1 ~ STEP 16
x : ignored
| Status[H] | Description |
| F8 | Timing Clock *3|
| FA | Start *3|
| FB | Contiune *3|
| FC | Stop *3|
| FE | Active Sensing |
*3 : This message is recognized when the "MIDI Clock Src" is set to "Auto".